PROTEAN II xi Cell for 2-D Electrophoresis

PROTEAN II xi Cell for 2-D Electrophoresis


The PROTEAN II xi cell is a large format vertical 2-D electrophoresis cell that is used for common electrophoretic techniques such as SDS-PAGE, native electrophoresis, and agarose gel electrophoresis.

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The PROTEAN® II xi cell is a large format vertical electrophoresis cell that is used for the most common for 2-D electrophoresis techniques such as SDS-PAGE, native electrophoresis, and agarose gel electrophoresis. The PROTEAN II xi cell is available in two sizes to accommodate up to four* 16 x 16 cm or 16 x 20 cm gels.

Key Features

  • Accommodates handcast gels
  • Patented single-screw clamps on the casting stand that exert uniform pressure along the entire length of the glass plates provide a leakproof seal without agarose plugs or grease
  • Central cooling core can be connected to tap water or a cooled recirculating bath, or filled with coolant, providing smile-free patterns with as little as 1.5 L of buffer
  • Choice of glass plates, spacers, and sandwich clamps to cast 2 gel lengths, 16 or 20 cm
  • Ability to cast multiple gradient gels using the PROTEAN II multi-gel casting chamber, the Model 495 gradient former, and the appropriate exponential piston. Use of the gel clip facilitates handling of large gels
  • Notched plates allow up to four 16 x 16 cm or 16 x 20 cm handcast gels to be run simultaneously (not recommended for 2-D applications)
  • Optional frosted glass plates allow high-resolution vertical agarose electrophoresis of nucleic acids
  • Comb conversion screws convert any PROTEAN II xi comb from a standard 25 mm well depth to a 10 mm depth to simplify comb removal

PROTEAN II IPG Conversion Kits for 2-D Applications

Conversion kits expand the capabilities of the PROTEAN II xi cell to include applications such as tube gel IEF and second-dimension SDS-PAGE. To convert the PROTEAN II xi cell into a:

  • PROTEAN xi 2-D cell — use available adaptors and other accessories to accommodate 16 tube gels for IEF applications
  • PROTEAN II XL cell — use the PROTEAN II IPG conversion kit for second-dimension electrophoresis of 17 cm IPG strips

Each cell includes the central cooling core with gaskets, lower buffer chamber, lid with cables, 2 sets of glass plates, 4 sandwich clamps, upper buffer dam, casting stand with gaskets, leveling bubble, and instructions. The 16 cm cells include clamps for running 16 cm gels; the 20 cm cells include clamps for 20 cm gels. Cells without combs and spacers (catalog #165-1801 and #165-1811) allow you to select the spacer thickness and comb that best fit your application. See the Accessories tab for a list of available combs and spacers.

* For higher throughput, the PROTEAN II xi multi-cell provides 6-gel capacity for second-dimension runs.




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Kit converts PROTEAN II xi cell into a tube gel IEF 2-D system; includes 2 tube gel adaptors, 24 glass tubes (1.5 mm ID, 180 mm length), gaskets, grommets, stoppers



(Discontinued) Inner Glass Plates
Pkg of 2, 16 x 20 cm, glass plates for 16 cm PROTEAN II xi electrophoresis cell only, use with outer plate (#165-1822)
(Discontinued) Outer Glass Plates
Pkg of 2, 18.3 x 20 cm, glass plates for 16 cm PROTEAN II xi electrophoresis cell only, use with inner plate (#165-1821)
(Discontinued) Inner Glass Plates
Pkg of 2, 20 x 20 cm, glass plates for 20 cm PROTEAN II xi and PROTEAN II XL electrophoresis cells, use with outer plate (#165-1824)
(Discontinued) Outer Glass Plates
Pkg of 2, 22.3 x 20 cm, glass plates for 20 cm PROTEAN II xi and PROTEAN II XL electrophoresis cells, use with inner plate (#165-1823)
Pkg of 1, 16 x 20 cm, 16 cm bevel length, glass plate for double-up procedures, for 16 cm PROTEAN II xi electrophoresis cell only
Pkg of 10 each comb conversion and standard screws, for conversion of 2 PROTEAN II xi combs from 25 mm to 10 mm well depth (agarose gels)
(Discontinued) Tube Gel Adaptor
Pkg of 1, adaptor for PROTEAN II xi 2-D electrophoresis cell; includes gasket, grommets (4–8 mm OD tubes), and stoppers



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