Protein Electrophoresis & Blotting

Run, Detect, Image & Quantify Proteins with Confidence
1-D and 2-D protein electrophoresis equipment and reagents including Mini-PROTEAN TGX precast gels with stain-free technology, electrophoresis, and western blotting cells, handcast gel reagents, membranes, premixed buffers and electrophoresis reagents, and protein standards.
Innovating Electrophoresis with Precast Gels
From the first introduction of electrophoresis-grade chemicals to our latest innovation, Mini-PROTEAN TGX precast gels, Bio-Rad has been helping researchers worldwide find answers to important questions by providing thoughtfully designed products and better technology.
Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis & Blotting

Get the Resolution You Need From DNA/RNA Gels
Bio-Rad's selection of nucleic acid electrophoresis and blotting products includes instruments, gels, reagents, stains, buffers, and more for submerged horizontal and vertical cells in various sizes, PFGE systems, and solutions for sequencing and mutation detection.
Western Blotting

Western Blotting – Powerful Protein Detection
Western blotting is a powerful technique that allows you to positively detect your proteins, estimate quantities, and determine their molecular weights starting from a mixture of proteins extracted from cells or tissues.

Speed Up Western Blotting & Get Better Results
Bio-Rad Stain-Free western blotting is a streamlined approach to getting better western blotting results. Stain-Free technology enables and speeds up quality assessment at each step of a western blotting experiment — from running gels to quantitating proteins.
Power Supplies

A Complete Line Of High-Quality Electrophoresis Power Supplies
From basic to high-voltage capacity, our power supplies provide simple programming in a compact, stackable case.
Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System

The Trans-Blot Turbo System is a rapid protein transfer apparatus that can transfer protein to membrane in as little as 3 minutes. Trans-Blot Turbo transfer packs provide greater transfer efficiency in less time.
Imaging Systems & Software

Acquire & Analyze Robust, Publishable Results with Ease
Bio-Rad provides a full line of imaging systems with intuitive acquisition and data analysis software designed for a large spectrum of protein and nucleic acid applications.