Discontinued Product
The Sub-Cell Model 96 family of products has been discontinued. We will continue to provide support for Sub-Cell owners until March, 2021. Please see our other products in Horizontal Electrophoresis Systems.
The Sub-Cell Model 96 cell was developed specifically for multiple-sample/high-throughput analysis. The design of the cell and analytical combs is based on the fixed spacing of multichannel pipets used to transfer samples from microplates. Using the 51-well analytical comb, 48 nucleic acid samples plus three DNA size standards can be run in one row. If two combs are used, all 96 samples from a microplate can be electrophoresed simultaneously in one gel. The shorter gel lengths (10 and 15 cm) and 26-well comb also allow the Sub-Cell Model 96 cell to be used as a routine apparatus for the molecular biology laboratory. The Sub-Cell Model 96 cell contains buffer recirculation ports for applications that require high voltages or extended runs, eliminating sample migration problems caused by temperature or pH buffer gradients.
All Sub-Cell Model 96 cells include a buffer tank, a safety lid with cables, a leveling bubble, and combs (26-well and 51-well). System configurations that include additional accessories are also available.

Kits & Reagents

500 g, recommended for fragments ≤1,000 bp, high sieving capacity low-melting temperature agarose, certified free of inhibitors, DNases, RNases

1 L, TBE nucleic acid electrophoresis buffer solution, pH 8.3

5 L cube, TBE nucleic acid electrophoresis buffer solution, pH 8.3

1 L, TAE nucleic acid electrophoresis buffer solution, pH 8.0

5 L cube, TAE nucleic acid electrophoresis buffer solution, pH 8.0
