Protein Electrophoresis & Blotting
1-D and 2-D protein electrophoresis equipment and reagents including Mini-PROTEAN TGX Precast Gels with stain-free technology, electrophoresis and western blotting cells, handcast gel reagents, membranes, premixed buffers and reagents, and protein electrophoresis standards.
Protein Electrophoresis Equipment & Consumables

Electrophoresis Chambers
Our electrophoresis chambers enable rapid, high-resolution protein separation on precast or handcast gels over a variety of different gel sizes.

Protein Gels
Choose SDS-PAGE and native-PAGE gels, convert to TGX Precast Gels, or choose specialized gel chemistries including stain-free

Power Supplies
From basic to high-voltage capacity, our power supplies provide simple programming in a compact, stackable case.
Selection Guides & Tools

Western Blotting Selector Tool
Get the best reagents and consumables to ensure optimized western blotting performance.

Complete Guide to Stain‑Free Western Blotting
Find out how Stain-Free technology can revolutionize your western blotting.

Standards Selection Guide
Just click on the light source in our interactive guide and see how banding pattern changes with light source. This interactive guide helps you pick the best protein standard for your gels and blots.

Gel Selection Guide
With so many variables to consider before picking the gels, how do you know what the best gel is for your application? Here is an easy guide that takes you step by step through your selection process.

Free Better Western Blotting Guide
Get your free Better Western Blotting Guide which contains tips, techniques, and technologies from Bio-Rad's Western Blotting experts.
Protein Discovery

2-D Electrophoresis Workflow
The 2-D Electrophoresis Workflow provides a comprehensive selection of product solutions and educational resources that give you better results for biomarker discovery, protein characterization, and HCP assay development.
2-D Electrophoresis Equipment and Reagents
Complete systems for 2-D electrophoresis including first-dimension isoelectric focusing (IEF) cells, "2DE" buffers and reagents, precast gels, and mini, midi, and large format second-dimension electrophoresis cells.
Preparative Electrophoresis
Bio-Rad’s preparative electrophoresis systems can fractionate and purify nanogram to gram quantities of proteins or nucleic acids by electrophoresis or continuous electroelution from gels.
Biologics Analysis

Biologics Analysis Workflow
The Biologics Analysis Workflow is a four-step solution designed and validated to assess the purity or identity of biological products in a cGMP regulatory environment. The integrated system enables expedited electrophoresis, simplified staining, easy analysis, and data reproducibility.

Get a 26-Well Electrophoresis and Western Blotting Layout Post-It® Pad
Never miss a step. Keep track of your western blot experiment with the help of this Post-It®

Protein Standard Temporary Tattoo
Get yourself a free tattoo or get 5 for you and your lab mates.