Choose the flexibility of Bio-Safe Coomassie Premixed Staining Solution. Proteins can be visualized in polyacrylamide gels with or without the use of acetic acid/methanol fixation.
- No requirement for fixation* with acetic acid and methanol
- Destain with water
- No handling and disposal of solvents
- Gels can be stored in water
* Fixation is recommended for peptide and very low molecular weight protein separations prior to using Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain.
Packaging Options
Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain is also available as a 5 L bottle (1610787)
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Supporting Documents
- Staining Polyacrylamide Gels with Bio-Safe Coomassie Blue Quick Start Guide
- Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain Brochure
- Interactive Electrophoresis Guide