Previous qPCR Software Releases

Previous qPCR Software Releases

Use CFX Manager and C1000 Manager Software for experiment setup and data analysis with the CFX96, CFX96 Touch, CFX384, CFX384 Touch, and CFX Connect Systems

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Previous releases for Bio-Rad real-time PCR systems include CFX Manager Software, C1000 Manager Software, and the CFX Manager API Reference Guide:

  • CFX Manager Software provides complete control of real-time PCR systems including experimental setup, data analysis, graphical presentation, and export. This software runs on PCs and is available in English, Russian, Chinese, and security editions
  • C1000 Manager Software is used only with the C1000™ Thermal Cycler and is not compatible with newer real-time PCR systems
  • The CFX Manager API Reference Guide allows local or remote client applications to access basic instrument control and monitoring functions of CFX Manager Software

CFX Manager Software


CFX Manager Software is used with CFX Real-Time PCR Systems (CFX96 Touch™, CFX96 Touch Deep Well, CFX Connect™, and CFX384 Touch™ PCR Systems) to analyze real-time PCR data and run a PCR system in software-controlled mode. The software can run on a PC using Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows 8. The security editions have the tools for compliance with U.S. FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations to provide a secure environment. CFX Manager Software is also available in Chinese and Russian editions.

Features and Benefits

  • One-click experimental setup and data analysis with the Startup Wizard
  • Easily customizable data analysis and export preferences
  • Application-specific data analysis for gene expression and SNP genotyping studies
  • Graphical formats include bar chart, clustergrams, scatter plot, volcano plots, and heat maps
  • Can be configured for use with a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
  • Export formats include .txt, .csv, .xlsx, .xl, .xml, and .html, as well as export to a LIMS folder

Product Options

Software Edition Catalog Number
CFX Manager Software 1845000
CFX Manager Software, Security Edition, 1 License 1845001
CFX Manager Software, Security Edition, 5 Licenses 1845005
CFX Manager Software, Chinese Edition 1845008
CFX Manager Software, Russian Edition 1845028

A newer version of CFX Manager Software, CFX Maestro™ Software, provides increased capabilities including statistics, the ability to produce publication-quality graphics, and integration with PrimePCR™ Assays, permitting import of PrimePCR plate maps and reference gene controls. This software is available in PC, Mac, Security, Chinese, and Russian editions.

C1000 Manager Software


The C1000 Manager Software is for use either on a standalone PC or on a PC directly connected to a C1000 Thermal Cycler. On a standalone PC, the software can be used to create and optimize protocols that are transferable, via a USB device, to a cycler. When a PC is connected to a C1000 Thermal Cycler, the software can be used to program and control the cycler. A PC connected to a C1000 Thermal Cycler can control up to three S1000™ Thermal Cyclers daisy chained to the C1000 Thermal Cycler. Operates on PCs running Windows XP or Windows Vista.

Features and Benefits

  • Directly control up to 8 C1000 Thermal Cyclers via cable from the computer to USB B ports on the cyclers; each C1000 Thermal Cycler can be connected to 3 S1000 Thermal Cyclers via USB A ports on the back of the C1000 Thermal Cyclers, providing control for up to 32 cyclers
  • Send protocols to connected thermal cyclers and start runs on individual or multiple blocks, either independently or simultaneously
  • Monitor the progress of individual blocks/instruments from a central screen
  • Create and manage user profiles, preferences, and access privileges
  • View, zip, and send report logs; receive email notifications

Learn more about C1000 Manager Software

CFX Manager API Reference Guide


The CFX Manager API Reference Guide provides detailed overview about the CFX Manager Application Program Interface (API). This API is a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service published by CFX Manager Software that enables local or remote client applications to access basic instrument control and monitoring functions of CFX Manager Software such as opening and closing motorized lids, starting and stopping PCR runs, and obtaining instrument status.

Features and Benefits

  • Comprehensive reference guide provides in-depth information about the API
  • Comes with fully functional example source code suitable for direct reuse in .Net-based solutions
  • Includes a reusable middleware library that can be used to simplify access to the API’s most commonly accessed features

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Software for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results in a regulated environment
Chinese version of CFX Maestro Software, for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results
Russian version of CFX Maestro Software, for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results

Version 3.1, experiment setup and data analysis software for all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems, includes installation CD, quick guides, and manual

CFX Manager Software version 3.1, Security Edition, 1 user license, for use with all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems in a regulated environment, includes 1 CD, 1 manual, and 1 HASP HL key
CFX Manager Software version 3.1, Security Edition, 5 user licenses, for use with all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems in a regulated environment, includes 5 CDs, 5 manuals, and 5 HASP HL keys
Version 3.1, experiment setup and data analysis software for all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems, includes CD and three HASP HL keys
Version 3.1, experiment setup and data analysis software for all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems, includes CD and three HASP HL keys


CFX Manager™ Software v3.1 Upgrade
Upgrade CFX Manager Software from version 2.1–3.0 to version 3.1 for all CFX and MiniOpticon™ Real-Time PCR Detection Systems. If using CFX Manager Software version 3.0 or lower, a firmware update is required for all CFX Systems
CFX Manager™ API Reference Guide
In-depth overview of Application Program Interface, includes fully functional example source code for direct reuse in .Net-based solutions and a reusable middleware library to simplify access to the API's most commonly accessed features


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