Mini-PROTEAN TBE precast gels are suitable for electrophoresis of nucleic acids from 50 to 2,000 base pairs; they are ideal for analyzing the purity of PCR products, standard dsDNA analysis, and RNase protection assays.
Mini-PROTEAN precast gels are designed for the traditional 8 x 10 cm mini vertical format. Proteins and nucleic acids can be separated by electrophoresis on Mini-PROTEAN precast gels using the Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra electrophoresis cell (1–4 gels) or, for high-throughput applications, the Mini-PROTEAN® 3 Dodeca™ cell (1–12 gels). Gel opening lever (456-0000), sold separately, is 100% aluminum and recyclable.
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Pkg of 5, gel releaser for Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra system, Mini-PROTEAN® 3 Dodeca™ cell, Mini-PROTEAN 3 multi-casting chamber, and PROTEAN® Plus Dodeca™ cell
Kits & Reagents

5 L cube, TBE nucleic acid electrophoresis buffer solution, pH 8.3