Precision Melt Analysis™ Software

Precision Melt Analysis™ Software

Precision Melt Analysis Software imports and analyzes data files generated from all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems to genotype samples based on the thermal denaturation properties of double-stranded DNA.

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Precision Melt Analysis software imports and analyzes data files generated from all CFX real-time PCR detection systems to genotype samples based on the thermal denaturation properties of double-stranded DNA. The software can be used for a variety of genotyping applications, including scanning for new gene variants, screening DNA samples for SNPs, identifying insertions/deletions or other unknown mutations, and determining the percentage of methylated DNA in unknown samples. Use the default analysis settings to automatically normalize data and assign a genotype to each sample based on its melt characteristics — there is no need to include genotype controls to assign cluster labels.

Precision Melt Analysis software saves analysis time by assigning sample genotypes automatically based on cluster analysis, or manually using multiple data view options to tailor the software to the appropriate analysis. Use the normalized melt curves plot feature to generate a basic representation of the different clusters based on curve shifting (for homozygotes) and curve shape change (for heterozygotes). Difference curve plots of a sample fluorescence versus a selected control at each temperature transition provide a convenient visual aid to interpret the data.

Precision Melt Analysis software enables data comparison between multiple file runs by combining data into a single Melt Study. Develop a standard library of melt curve runs to analyze an unlimited number of melt experiments without having to export data.

Precision Melt Analysis software makes it easy for you to:

  • Streamline your data analysis using the customizable default analysis settings
  • Utilize the multiple data view options to manually assign sample genotypes by tailoring the software to the appropriate analysis
  • Examine results from a number of melt files, without having to export data, using the Melt Study module
  • Analyze multiple experiments from a single plate using the Well Groups feature
  • Publish your data in several formats by easily exporting data to Microsoft Excel or as an image
  • Precision Melt Analysis Software is compatible with Windows 7, 8, or 10

Precision Melt Supermix

Precision Melt Supermix is a superior high-resolution melt (HRM) supermix delivering optimal discrimination for specificity and accurate discrimination of challenging SNPs. Compatible with most HRM-enabled real-time PCR systems.



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2 user licenses, data analysis software for all CFX real-time PCR detection systems, 2 HASP HL keys, calibration kit, installation CD.
2 user licenses, data analysis software for all CFX real-time PCR detection systems, 2 HASP HL keys, installation CD


Precision Melt Analysis™ v1.3 Software Upgrade
Upgrade Precision Melt Analysis Software from version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 to version 1.3 for use with CFX Manager™ Software 2.0 and above, or CFX Maestro™ Software 1.0 and above


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