iScript™ Reverse Transcription Supermix for RT-qPCR

iScript™ Reverse Transcription Supermix for RT-qPCR

Provides superior data reproducibility with reduced pipetting variability using a convenient master mix format containing all the essential components (except RNA). This simple, one-component reverse transcription kit uses a short 26-minute protocol.

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The iScript reverse transcription supermix for RT-qPCR is a simple, fast, and sensitive first-strand cDNA synthesis kit for gene expression analysis using real-time qPCR. In one tube, the preblended 5x supermix contains all the necessary components except RNA template for reverse transcription.

  • Increase reproducibility of reverse transcription and reduce errors during setup — 1-tube format for simple and fast setup and reduced pipetting variability
  • Detect low-level target genes and conserve RNA during gene expression analysis — broad linear dynamic range of total input RNA (1 µg–1 pg) with a highly efficient RNase H+ MMLV reverse transcriptase
  • Use with dilute RNA samples — 5x concentration of supermix allows for greater volume of RNA sample in a 20 µl cDNA synthesis reaction
  • Eliminate freeze/thaw cycles — liquid format at –20ºC shortens overall processing time and maximizes stability
  • Validate purity of input RNA and gene expression results — optional no-RT controls for detecting genomic DNA contamination
  • Obtain accurate results — potent blend of RNase inhibitor prevents RNA degradation during reaction setup and reverse transcription
  • Increase primer design flexibility and prevent 5' and 3' bias — optimum blend of oligo(dT) and random primers in the 5x supermix for complete RNA coverage
  • Complete cDNA synthesis and qPCR the same day — fast 26 minute cDNA synthesis protocol


Storage at –20ºC
Guaranteed for 12 months in a constant temperature freezer (this reagent will not freeze at –20ºC; multiple freeze thaws not recommended)



Use the filters below to refine results!

25 x 20 µl reactions, 100 µl 5x supermix, contains reverse transcriptase, RNase inhibitor, dNTPs, primers, MgCl2, stabilizers; 50 reactions of no-RT control supermix
100 x 20 µl reactions, 4 x 100 µl 5x supermix, contains reverse transcriptase, RNase inhibitor, dNTPs, primers, MgCl2, stabilizers; 50 reactions of no-RT control supermix
500 x 20 µl reactions, 20 x 100 µl 5x supermix, contains reverse transcriptase, RNase inhibitor, dNTPs, primers, MgCl2, stabilizers; 4 x 50 reactions of no-RT control supermix


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