Help your students learn about chromatography with our research-quality chromatography classroom lab instruments. High-performance, easy-to-use chromatography instruments allow your students to automate, optimize, and record every step of a chromatography procedure for a full hands-on experience in protein purification.
Category Products
- ImageBioLogic LP SystemThe BioLogic LP low-pressure chromatography system brings high performance, versatility, ease of use, and affordability to biomolecule purification. Its compact design minimizes the workspace required.
- ImageFraction CollectorsBio-Rad's extensive line of chromatography products includes the BioFrac and Model 2110 fraction collectors.
- ImageUV MonitorBio-Rad provides the Model EM-1 Econo UV monitor, a single-wavelength detector, for flowthrough monitoring of effluents from chromatographic columns, centrifugation gradients, etc.