Following electrophoresis, use the Mini Trans-Blot cell to transfer proteins from a gel to a membrane. Visualize proteins of interest on the membrane using one of Bio-Rad’s colorimetric detection assays.
The Mini Trans-Blot cell blotting module is interchangeable with the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell electrophoresis module, allowing the same tank and lid to be used for electrophoresis and blotting.
Key features:
- Transfers up to two 10 x 7.5 cm gels simultaneously
- High field strength for rapid 1 hr transfers
- Can be run overnight at low voltage
- Wire electrodes are placed 4 cm apart for strong electrical fields and efficient protein transfer
- Color-coded cassettes and electrodes ensure proper orientation of the gel during transfer
- The Blue Ice cooling unit, completely contained within the Mini Trans-Blot cell, absorbs heat generated during rapid transfers
- Available either as a complete stand-alone apparatus or as a module compatible with the buffer tank and lid of the Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell
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