Use the S3e Cell Sorter with the S3e Biosafety System Class I containment hood to sort cells expressing fluorescent proteins or with fluorescent markers such as labeled antibodies. This biosafety system protects both users and the environment from aerosols created during the cell sorting process.
This compact, affordable, integrated cell sorting system includes the following:
- S3e Cell Sorter with 2 lasers (488/561 nm) and 4 detectors (1451006)
- S3e Biosafety System Class I (1451078)
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Up to 5 x 1.5 ml tubes each direction
Microscope slides
8-well strip each direction
Secondary: 561 nm 100 mW
Side scatter (SSC) with PMT
4 fluorescence detectors with PMTs
Minimum resolution: 0.5 µm
Peltier solid-state system