Use the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) system, the most precise and sensitive PCR solution, for absolute quantification of target DNA molecules.
Features of the QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system include:
- Flexible digital PCR chemistry – optimized for TaqMan hydrolysis probe and EvaGreen applications
- Reduced bias from amplification efficiency and PCR inhibitors
- Flexible assay setup – scalable for high sensitivity or high throughput
- Convenient assay design – standard curves are not required
- Simple workflow with 96-sample throughput
The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system comprises:
- QX200™ droplet generator – partitions each ddPCR reaction mix into 20,000 nanoliter-sized droplets
- QX200™ droplet reader – streams emulsified droplets in single file past a two-color optical detection system in a serial manner
- QuantaSoft™ software – performs quantitation of positive/negative droplets and allows visualization in a variety of ways and determine concentrations in copies/µl
- Associated components and consumables included: DG8™ cartridges, DG8™ gaskets, and cartridge holder
Required Instruments
- C1000 Touch™ thermal cycler with 96–deep well reaction module (185-1197)
- PX1™ PCR plate sealer (181-4000)
Required Accessories
- QX200 droplet generation oil for EvaGreen assays (186-4005)
- Droplet generation oil for probes (186-3005)
- Droplet reader oil (186-3004) or ddPCR Droplet Reader Oil EcoTank for Probes (12019215)
ddPCR Reagents for EvaGreen or TaqMan Hydrolysis Probe-Based Applications
- QX200 ddPCR EvaGreen supermix (186-4034)
- ddPCR supermix for probes (186-3010)
- Droplet PCR supermix (186-3024)
- One-step RT-ddPCR kit for probes (186-3022)
More Information
View our publications and Success Stories videos featuring Droplet Digital PCR technology.
Learn more about the capabilities and applications of the QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR (ddPCR™) system.