Choose reusable Microseal 'P' PCR Plate Sealing Pads for use with thermal cyclers with motorized heated lids. Designed for use with higher pressure sealing from motorized Power Bonnet Lids.
- Use for sealing plates where there are successive runs in the same plate
- Clean with 1:10 dilute bleach, rinse with deionized water, and leave to dry
- Autoclavable and moderately UV resistant
- Use for approximately 25 runs
Use Microseal 'P+' PCR Plate Sealing Pads (MSP1002) with the newer design Moto Alpha™ Units (ALP2296, ALP2238) in DNA Engine® Thermal Cyclers.
Related Products
- Arched Auto-Sealing Lids with Wide Tabs for PCR Plates (MSL2032) for use with gripper devices (not self-releasing)
- Arched Auto-Sealing Lids for PCR Plates (MSL2022), self-releasing; compatible with removal by gripper devices after release
- 96-Place Racks for PCR Tubes and Plates, with covers in assorted colors (TRC0501) and white, autoclavable, conforming to ANSI/SBS standards and suitable for robotic handling (TRC9601)
Related Categories
- PCR Seals
- PCR Plastic Consumables including plates, tubes, cap strips, and other accessories
- Real-Time PCR Detection Systems
- Thermal Cyclers for PCR
- PCR Reagents & qPCR Reagents
- PCR Analysis Software
- Firmware & Software Updates
- PrimePCR™ PCR Primers & Assays
Supporting Documents
- Microseal 'P' and 'P+' Sealing Pads Instruction Manual
- Amplification Reagents and Plastics Brochure
- Reagent Comparison Guide for Real-Time PCR Brochure
- 96-Place Racks for PCR Tubes and Plates, ANSI/SBS standard, autoclavable Product Information Sheet