Choose highly selective RAPID'L.mono Agar for the discrimination and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria spp. in human food products and environmental samples. Differentiation is obtained by the chromogenic detection of PI-PLC (phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C) activity and the ability to ferment xylose. RAPID'L.mono Medium is validated for L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. detection on the same plate.
Features and Benefits
- L. monocytogenes (PI-PLC+/xylose-) forms blue (pale blue, grey-blue, or dark blue) colonies
- L. ivanovii (PI-PLC+/xylose+) forms blue-green colonies with a yellow halo
- Other Listeria spp. (PI-PLC-/xylose+ or -) form white colonies with or without a yellow halo
- Colonies detected after 24 hr; halos in 24–48 hr
- Enumerate L. monocytogenes in 24 hr without confirmation
- Confirm positive tests such as iQ-Check® Listeria monocytogenes II Real-Time PCR Tests
Certified NF VALIDATION according to the ISO 16140 standard and validated by the AOAC.
Packaging Options
RAPID'L.mono Agar Plates are also available as a package of 20 x 90 mm plates (3563694)
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