Use Fraser 1/2 Broth (Demi-Fraser Broth) as a selective enrichment medium for the growth of Listeria in products intended for human and animal consumption. This broth can be used as a primary enrichment step for the identification and enumeration using RAPID'L.mono or RAPID'Listeria spp. Agar Plates.
Related Products
- Fraser 1/2 Broth, dehydrated base (3564604) and supplement (3564616)
- RAPID'L.mono Agar Plates (3563694), dehydrated base (3564293), and Supplements 1 (3564294) and 2 (3564296)
- RAPID'Listeria spp. Agar Base, dehydrated (3564744), RAPID'Listeria spp.Supplements 1 (3564745) and 2 (3564746)