Use the pGLO Transformation and Inquiry Kit for AP Biology to guide your students through structured, guided and open inquiry investigations. Your students will explore the effects of changes in scientific design and challenge their understanding of the principles surrounding bacterial transformation.
This AP-aligned kit helps your students gain essential knowledge and enduring understandings that meet multiple learning objectives and science practices for AP Big Ideas 3 and 1, and touch on Big Ideas 2 and 4. This 5-in-1 kit includes the following:
- Reagents, protocols, and background information for the classic pGLO Bacterial Transformation lab and four additional inquiry investigations
- Prelaboratory activities that help students develop relevant and valid questions
- Postlaboratory activities that prepare students for the AP Bio final exam, using real-world data that asks students to analyze and discuss their findings
- Essential knowledge, learning objectives, and science practice outlines aligned with the 2012 AP curriculum
- A successful teacher model process to assist you in implementing inquiry
- A science case study that includes a relevant and engaging real-world story about transformation
With this kit your students will perform:
- One bacterial transformation lab (structured inquiry)
- One to four inquiry investigation labs (guided or open inquiry) to test:
- Transformation efficiency
- Effect of ampicillin on bacterial growth
- Effect of arabinose on GFP expression
- Satellite colonies
- Class discussion with a real-world science case study
(2-4 students per workstation)
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