The Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra cell is designed to run 1–4 mini handcast or precast gels. A range of precast polyacrylamide gels is available in different buffer formulations for a variety of nucleic acid applications.
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- ImageMini-PROTEAN® Tetra Cell
The versatile, easy-to-use Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell is ideal for vertical mini gel electrophoresis. This electrophoresis cell accommodates 1–4 handcast or Ready Gel precast gels.
- ImageMini-PROTEAN TBE Precast Gels
Mini-PROTEAN TBE precast gels are suitable for electrophoresis of nucleic acids from 50 to 2,000 base pairs; they are ideal for analysis of the purity of PCR products, standard dsDNA analysis, and RNase protection assays.
- ImageMini-PROTEAN® TBE-Urea Precast Gels
Mini-PROTEAN TBE-Urea precast gels maintain denaturing conditions for analysis of single-stranded DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids between 60 and 200 bases are resolved as sharp, distinct bands.
- ImageReady Gel® TBE-Urea Precast Gels
TBE-urea gels maintain denaturing conditions for analysis of single-stranded DNA and RNA between 60 and 200 bases. Designed for the traditional 8 x 10 cm mini vertical format.