Missing One Diagnosis
Is One Too Many
Turn to Bio-Rad's Hemoglobin Testing Solutions
Our Hemoglobin Testing Solutions Give Clinicians a Full Patient Picture
An inaccurate test report may lead an unsuspecting clinician to make wrong patient care decisions, causing delays in treatment, wrong prescriptions or even more dire consequences. Provide your tests results with confidence. With Bio-Rad, our products are recognized as the gold standard for diabetes testing, hemoglobinopathy screening, and quality control systems.
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Why Bio-Rad HbA1c?
At Bio-Rad we're committed to helping you make a difference in your patients' lives. Our full-line of automated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing systems leverage the highly specific and reproducible HPLC method to simplify the process of acquiring fast and accurate HbA1c results without common hemoglobin variant interferences from: HbAS, HbAC HbAD, and HbAE.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends using HbA1c to diagnose diabetes using an NGSP certified method and a cutoff of HbA1c ≥ 6.5%.1
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Our Gold Standard HPLC technology allows you to confidently report HbA1c results to clinicians. Our Bio-Rad HbA1c testing systems are NGSP certified and traceable to IFCC.

Gold Standard method for monitoring glucose control in diabetes patients.3

NGSP certified with a cutoff of HbA1c ≥ 6.5% and IFCC traceable as recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to diagnose diabetes.1
How Do You Know What Your System Doesn't Show?
Watch the video to learn more about hemoglobin testing with HPLC to get the full patient picture.

Unparalleled Support
Bio-Rad's world class service and support team is backed by 40 years of expertise in HbA1c testing and quality controls. Our hemoglobin testing systems can be connected to BRiCare, Bio-Rad's 24/7 instrument monitoring application to keep your system running smoothly.
Depend on Bio-Rad HbA1c for:
- 40 years of expertise
- Trusted HbA1c leadership
- Dedicated customer service
- A complete line of HbA1c solutions
Bio-Rad Hemoglobin Testing Systems
Not all HbA1c methods are created equal. HbA1c methods that do not see common hemoglobin variants might lead to misdiagnosis and unnecessary or delayed patient treatment. Whether you're a small, medium, or large volume laboratory, our family of HbA1c testing solutions provides a full patient picture so you can aid healthcare providers with making the appropriate diagnosis and initiating the proper treatment protocol.

The Future of A1c Testing:
D-100 Hemoglobin Testing System
One-touch Smart HPLC technology gives you an A1c result every 45 seconds.
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Trusted Solution for a Demanding HbA1c Workload:
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin Testing System
High precision and rapid throughput with quality results.
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Proven Power:
D-10 Hemoglobin Testing System
Gold Standard HPLC technology with an easy-to-use, compact footprint and fast switching between HbA1c and β-thalassemia testing.
Learn MoreWhy HPLC?
HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) results provide more than just a number.
With Bio-Rad HPLC, laboratories can see elevated HbF and report accurate HbA1c results in the presence of the most common heterozygous hemoglobin variants: HbAS, HbAC, HbAD, and HbAE.
Learn MoreReferences
1. American Diabetes Association (2018). Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2018. Diabetes Care. 41(Suppl. 1), S13-S27.
2. International Diabetes Federation (2017). IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8th edition. Accessed from http://www.diabetes.org
3. Diabetes Care (2007). Consensus Statement on the Worldwide Standardization of the Hemoglobin A1c Measurement. 30(9), 2399-2400.