Bio-Rad's 2-D Electrophoresis Workflow provides a comprehensive selection of product solutions and educational resources that guide you to better 2-D results.
4 Steps
- Sample Preparation — sample preparation is the first step toward optimizing your results. Bio-Rad offers easy-to-use kits: ReadyPrep™ 2-D starter kit, ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit, and ProteoMiner™ protein enrichment kit for getting started and for cleanup and enrichment of low-abundance proteins.
- First Dimension Electrophoresis — the first dimension of 2-D electrophoresis is separation based on a protein's isoelectric point. Bio-Rad's IPG strips offer many pH gradient options and strict quality control. The award-winning PROTEAN® i12™ IEF system gives you the flexibility to run multiple pH gradients, protocols, and samples simultaneously.
- Second Dimension Electrophoresis — the second dimension of 2-D electrophoresis is separation based on molecular weight. Bio-Rad's Criterion™ system, Criterion precast gels, Criterion™ Dodeca™ cell, and Precision Plus Protein™ standard plugs provide the confidence of a leakproof precast gel and the ability to run up to 12 gels at once.
- Staining, Imaging, and Analysis — staining, imaging, and analysis allow you to document and evaluate your 2-D results. With Bio-Rad's sensitive and hassle-free Oriole™ gel stain and versatile ChemiDoc™ MP imager, you can obtain high-quality images. Analyze those images with PDQuest™ software, a highly powerful tool for 2-D evaluation.
Applications and Technical Resources
The 2-D electrophoresis applications and technology page is a virtual encyclopedia of 2-D electrophoresis. You'll find extensive information, videos, and troubleshooting guides to ensure you get the best 2-D results possible.
On the 2-D Electrophoresis applications and technology page you can:
- See a wide range of protein sample preparation information including protocols and videos to help guide you through the very important sample preparation step
- Learn all about first-dimension separation, including IEF, IPG strips, pH gradient ranges, frequently asked questions, how-to videos, and protocols
- Be guided through the 2-D instrument selection process on the second-dimension separation page
- Visit the 2-D Doctor™ page, which is a valuable 2-D self-help guide that enables you to identify and troubleshoot your 2-D gel issues. Comprehensive solutions and suggestions are provided to help solve 2-D gel electrophoresis challenges
- Discover the best way to stain and visualize your proteins after 2-D Electrophoresis
- View imaging and analysis of 2-D gels
- Explore protein identification and protein spot excision
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Kits & Reagents


Pkg of 1, 4–15% precast polyacrylamide gel, 13.3 × 8.7 cm (W × L), for use with Criterion and Criterion™ Dodeca™ electrophoresis cells

Pkg of 1, 4–20% precast polyacrylamide gel, 13.3 × 8.7 cm (W × L), for use with Criterion and Criterion™ Dodeca™ electrophoresis cells

Pkg of 1, AnykD precast polyacrylamide gel, 13.3 × 8.7 cm (W × L), for use with Criterion and Criterion™ Dodeca™ electrophoresis cells
IPG Strips
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