iScript Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR

iScript Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR

Allows increased data throughput (high capacity up to 7.5 µg input RNA) from a single 20 µl reverse transcription reaction. This two-component cDNA synthesis kit features a short 21-minute protocol.

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The iScript Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR is an enhanced formulation that delivers increased data throughput from a single 20 µl reverse transcription (RT) reaction for real-time qPCR. This two-tube kit enables superior RT capacity of input RNA up to 7.5 µg.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Increase qPCR data throughput and cost effectiveness from a single reaction — cDNA synthesized from higher input RNA amounts can be used for analyzing large numbers of target genes
  • Detect low-level target genes — uncompromised sensitivity even with less input RNA for when RNA sample is limited
  • Reduce inter-assay variability and improve reproducibility — eliminate the need for multiple cDNA synthesis reactions
  • Allow true representation of target mRNA levels — potent blend of RNase inhibitor prevents RNA degradation during reaction setup and RT
  • Increase primer design flexibility and prevent 5′ and 3′ bias — optimum blend of oligo(dT) and random primers for superior RNA coverage
  • Set up reactions with ease and obtain cDNA in less time — 2-tube kit generates cDNA in 21 minutes


Storage at –20°C
Guaranteed for 12 months at –20°C in a constant temperature freezer (multiple freeze thaws not recommended)



Use the filters below to refine results!

25 x 20 µl reactions, includes 100 µl iScript Advanced 5x Reaction Mix, 25 µl iScript Advanced Reverse Transcriptase
100 x 20 µl reactions, includes 400 µl 5x iScript Advanced Reaction Mix, 100 µl iScript Advanced Reverse Transcriptase
500 x 20 µl reactions, includes 5 x 400 µl 5x iScript Advanced Reaction Mix, 5 x 100 µl iScript Advanced Reverse Transcriptase


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