CFX Maestro Software for CFX Real-Time PCR Instruments

CFX Maestro Software for CFX Real-Time PCR Instruments

Use CFX Maestro Software with CFX instruments to collect and analyze real-time PCR data with intuitive plate setup, data analysis, data visualization tools.

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New Version Available!

CFX Maestro Software 2.3 is now available for all CFX Maestro Software users. This update allows the software to connect with our newest Real-Time PCR systems. CFX Opus Users must also update Opus Instrument Software after updating to CFX Maestro Software 2.3. Select Check for Updates from the CFX Maestro Software top menu and download release notes for updating instructions and more information on this new version (requires internet connection). Please contact your local Customer Technical Support for further assistance.

CFX Maestro Software is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use comprehensive suite of tools for collection and analysis of real-time PCR data from the CFX series of real-time PCR systems. CFX Maestro Software streamlines the process of plate setup, data collection, data analysis, and data visualization of real-time PCR data.

Key Features of CFX Maestro Software

  • Statistical analysis of data — t-tests and one-way ANOVA
  • High-resolution graphing and data visualization tools view your data in multiple formats including bar charts, box-and-whisker plots, clustergrams, and volcano plots, then edit and annotate your graphs, edit colors, and export at any resolution
  • Design complex experiments — set up your plate with both technical replicates and biological groups, and view your groupings and replicates easily with a color-coded plate layout
  • Reference gene selection tools — view gene stability to quickly determine the most stable reference genes for your assays
  • Multi-plate study analysis — group multiple runs together to analyze all of your data from multi-plate studies together at once

Data Visualization

  • High Resolution Graphic

    High-resolution plotting and graphing

  • Data visualization by Volcano Plut

    Data visualization by
    volcano plot

  • Cluster Gram

    Hierarchical clustering of gene
    expression data

CFX Maestro Security Edition

For labs requiring a secure solution for real-time PCR, CFX Maestro Software is also available in a Security Edition, which offers all the features of CFX Maestro Software plus tools for compliance with U.S. FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations. The security edition works with the security features of Windows operating systems to provide a secure environment.

Key Features of CFX Maestro Software, Security Edition

  • Mandatory password-protected log-in — log-in required; administrator sets user privileges
  • Time- and date-stamped audit trails — edit information is tracked and saved with each specific data file for easy tracking
  • Electronic signatures — multiple electronic signatures can be applied to a single file at any editing step
  • Hardware protection key — key must be attached to a USB port to enable the security edition features
  • File encryption — file cannot be opened or edited by another program, minimizing risk of data corruption

Product Options

Software Edition Catalog Number
CFX Maestro Software 12013758
CFX Maestro Software, Security Edition, 1 License   12012832
CFX Maestro Software, Security Edition, 5 Licenses   12013028
CFX Maestro Software, Chinese Edition 12012834
CFX Maestro Software, Russian Edition 12012833

Related Categories


Compatible real-time PCR system
CFX Opus 96, CFX Opus Deepwell, CFX Opus 384, CFX Duet, CFX96 Touch, CFX96 Touch Deep Well, CFX384 Touch, CFX Connect
Operating system
Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit only), build 1511 or later, with the latest security updates
Minimum: 2.4 GHz
Minimum: 4 GB
Recommended: 8 GB
Hard drive space
128 GB
Screen resolution
Minimum: 1,024 x 768
USB port
2.0 Hi-Speed
64-bit OS in English, Chinese, and Russian



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1 license, CFX Maestro 2.3, software for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results; for Windows PCs


1 license, CFX Maestro Software 2.3, Security Edition for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results in a regulated environment; for Windows PCs.


5 licenses, CFX Maestro Software 2.3, Security Edition, for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results in a regulated environment; for Windows PCs


1 license, CFX Maestro Software 2.3, Russian Edition, for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results; for Windows PCs


1 license, CFX Maestro Software 2.3, Chinese Edition, for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results; for Windows PCs


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