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Use Image Lab Software on your desktop PC to open and analyze images, add notes, and export or print your files. Use with images from any Bio-Rad imaging system including the new GelDoc Go Gel Imaging System.
Image Lab Software Security Edition assists users in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in meeting FDA regulations for cGMP environments by working in conjunction with the built-in security features of the Microsoft Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit) and Windows 10 (64-bit) operating systems to provide a security environment for the maintenance, verification, and tracking of all electronic records generated by Image Lab Touch Software. When properly configured and administered, these tools ensure compliance with the rules for secure handling of electronic records as outlined in Title 21, Part 11 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Security Edition Features and Benefits
- Access controls and authority checks via user identification codes and passwords
- Electronic record security via protected directories
- Time- and date- stamped audit trails
- Electronic signature of electronic records (user authentication)