Vericheck ddPCR Replication Competent Lentivirus Kit #12019529

12019529 sku


The Vericheck ddPCR Replication Competent Lentivirus (RCL) kit provides a rapid, cost effective, sensitive, and fully validated solution for the detection of RCL.

Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet



Lentiviruses are commonly used as viral vectors in cell and gene therapy production, delivering and steadily integrating desired genes into the genome of the host cell. However, they may also present health hazards to humans due to integration-mediated transformation and the creation of a RCL that can infect nontarget cells. While the current regulatory guidelines recommend a cell culture–based method for RCL testing, it is cumbersome and takes 30–45 days from sample to results. Bio-Rad’s Vericheck ddPCR RCL Kit is fast, cost-effective, specific, and a fully validated solution for lentivirus testing.

Features and Benefits

  • Fast turnaround time: Results in as little as 8 hours
  • High sensitivity: LOD of 0.35 copies/µl
  • Reproducible results: Low CV of <10% between lots, users, plates and instruments
  • Automated data analysis: Simplified workflow with positive controls included in the kit to aid automated results
  • Comprehensive ddPCR workflow: Supports and provides flexibility to run multiple samples per run

Product Contents

Description Catalog Quantity
ddPCR RCL Assay 16011455 1
ddPPCR RCL Positive Control 12019541 1
ddPCR RCL Internal Control 12019530 1
Nuclease-Free Water 8006877 1
Residual DNA Quantification Supermix 12017072 2

Configuration Options

(Bundles or different component sets) Catalog Number
QXONE Droplet Digital PCR System 12006536
QX200 AutoDG Droplet Digital PCR System consisting of:
QX200 Droplet Reader
Automated Droplet Generator
QX600 Droplet Digital PCR Reader 12013328
QX Manager Software, Regulatory Edition 12012172
QX Manager Software, Standard Edition 12012171
QX ONE Software, Regulatory Edition 12012078
QX Manager, Premium Edition 12018108

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