Teach real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) using the same robust, easy-to-use system used by researchers: Bio-Rad’s CFX Opus Real-Time PCR system. Available in 96-well (5-color detection) and 384-well (4-color detection) formats, this next evolution in real-time PCR offers the reliability and performance you expect from Bio-Rad, all packaged in a sleek, modern instrument designed to fit into any classroom laboratory.
Features and Benefits
- Quick system set up — easy installation and factory-calibrated optics
- Our best thermal uniformity and accuracy to date
- Available in 96-well (5-color detection) and high-throughput 384-well (4-color detection) formats
- Intuitive, easy-to-use interface with a sensitive touch screen — responsive even with double gloves
- Uniform optical system free of regular calibration requirements
CFX Maestro Software — Real-Time PCR Data Collection, Analysis, and Statistics for Your Desktop
Available for either PC, this software tool helps you set up your qPCR experiments, select reference genes, perform statistical analyses, and graph your results.
(Note: CFX Maestro software is not included with instrument purchase).
CFX Opus Cloud Connectivity — BR.io Cloud Platform
The CFX Opus Real-Time PCR System integrates with Bio-Rad's new Br.io Cloud Platform, enabling you to get the most out of your instrument while minimizing time at the bench. BR.io cloud connectivity eliminates the need for a dedicated computer connected to the instrument — access BR.io from any internet connection using a Safari or Chrome web browser (no software installation required).
Use of Br.io does require either an ethernet connection or the Wi-Fi adaptor. Please contact your IT administrator to determine whether this connection is compatible with your classroom laboratory.
Teach Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Using Bio-Rad Explorer Classroom Kits
Bio-Rad offers two educational kits that help you teach the principles and techniques of real-time quantitative PCR and how it compares with traditional PCR:
- Crime Scene Investigator PCR Basics Real-Time PCR Starter Kit — teach the basics of real-time PCR using standard DNA samples, eliminating the need for DNA extraction and sample preparation
- GMO Investigator Real-Time PCR Starter Kit — teach the entire real-time PCR workflow, from DNA extraction from food items to data analysis as you quantify the amount of genetically modified ingredients
Other Resources
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96-well, 5-color plus FRET, network-connected real-time PCR detection system, includes CFX Opus 96 base unit, cables; for educational use only (for research instrument, see 12011319)

384-well, 4-color plus FRET, network-connected real-time PCR detection system, includes CFX Opus 384 base unit, cables; for educational use only (for research instrument, see 12011452)

Wi-Fi antenna enables Wi-Fi connection for CFX Opus in North America and other specific countries; for educational use only
Kits & Reagents
Kits & Reagents

5 ml SsoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix (5 x 1 ml vials), 2x qPCR mix, contains dNTPs, Sso7d fusion polymerase, MgCl2, SYBR Green I, ROX normalization dyes, for 500 x 20 µl reactions; for educational use only

Pkg of 50, white shell/clear well PCR plate, rigid 2-component design; for educational use only (see HSP9601 for research use)
Pkg of 100, optically clear seal for PCR plates used in real-time and conventional PCR reactions; education use only. Note: This item is now available under the new material number MSB1001EDU. For future orders please proceed here.
Pkg of 100, optically clear seal for PCR plates used in real-time and conventional PCR reactions; education use only. Note: This item is now available under the new material number MSB1001EDU. For future orders please proceed here.

1 license, CFX Maestro 2.3, software for real-time PCR plate setup, data collection, statistics, and graphing of results; for Windows PCs; for educational use only