Use the ChemiDoc to ChemiDoc MP Upgrade Kit to upgrade your ChemiDoc Imaging System to a ChemiDoc MP Imaging System. This upgrade permits both the use of a wider range of fluorophores (RGB, far red, and NIR) and detection of multiplex fluorescent blot signals.
Features and Benefits
- Extend your imaging capabilities — gain the advantages of using a wider range of fluorescent reporters including StarBright™ fluorophores; see the fluorophore compatibility table
- Increased blot multiplexing — excitation sources from blue to near IR and emission filters from green to near IR allow detection of multiple antigens simultaneously on the same blot
- Less crosstalk — the simultaneous use of narrower wavelength excitation sources and narrower bandwidth emission filters decreases spectral overlap
Related Products
- ChemiDoc (17001401) and ChemiDoc MP (17001402) Imaging Systems
- ChemiDoc™ MP V3 Western Workflow™ for Mini Gels (17001395) and Midi Gels (17001389)
- ChemiDoc V3 Western Workflow for Mini Gels (17001403) and Midi Gels (17001390)
- White Sample Tray for Coomassie Blue, copper, silver, and zinc stains (12003026)
- Blue Sample Tray for nucleic acid applications with GelGreen or any SYBR® Stain (12003027)
- Holder for ChemiDoc Sample Trays and UV Shield (1708377)
- Gel Alignment Templates for ChemiDoc MP and ChemiDoc Imaging Systems (12003915)
- UV Safety Shield for ChemiDoc MP and ChemiDoc Imaging Systems (12003914)
- PrecisionAb™ Validated Western Blotting Antibodies
- Clarity™ and Clarity Max™ Western ECL Blotting Substrates
- Protein Stains
- Nucleic Acid Stains and Tracking Dyes
Related Categories
- Protein Gels including TGX Stain-Free™ Gels
- Western Blotting
- Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis and Blotting
- Antibodies
Supporting Documents
- ChemiDoc MP Brochure
- ChemiDoc and ChemiDoc MP Imaging Systems with Image Lab Touch Software User Guide
- Bio-Rad V3 Western Workflow