The consistent high yields achieved with Quantum Prep plasmid kits are due to the high-affinity binding of DNA to the unique Quantum Prep DNA binding matrix. This patented matrix, a special grade of diatomaceous earth prepared with a proprietary treatment to activate the largest possible surface area, is available only from Bio-Rad. The large surface area allows the use of enriched growth media, such as Terrific Broth, to obtain the highest yields. Quantum Prep kits use an easy spin-based procedure to quickly go from cell culture to purified plasmid DNA. Plasmid DNA is recovered in water or TE for immediate use in all downstream applications.
Features include:
- High purity and yield of plasmid DNA
- Easy spin-column procedure to significantly reduce plasmid DNA isolation time
- Stringent QC specifications ensure high-quality plasmid DNA for immediate use in all downstream molecular biology applications
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