
hhv-6 high run control-adenovirus low run control


Quality controls and verification panels to monitor the presence and establish points of reference for the measurement of pathogens common in transplant testing such as Adenovirus, BKV, Parvovirus B19, CMV, EBV, HHV-6, HSV 1&2, JCV and VZV

Category Products

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    Exact Diagnostics BKV

    Controls and verification panel to monitor presence and establish points of reference for the measurement of polyomavirus BK Virus (BKV) DNA

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    Exact Diagnostics CMV

    A family of controls, verification panels and verification panel bundle to support monitoring the presence and determining the accuracy and sensitivity of assays for the presence of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA

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    Exact Diagnostics EBV

    Low and high run controls and verification panel to monitor test procedures for the measurement of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) DNA

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    Exact Diagnostics HSV-1

    A family of controls, verification panels and verification panel bundle to monitor the presence and establish reference points for the measurement of Human Herpes Simplex-1 (HSV-1) DNA.

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    Exact Diagnostics HSV-2

    A family of controls, verification panels and verification panel bundle to monitor the presence and establish reference points for the measurement of Human Herpes Simplex-2 (HPV-2) DNA.

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    Exact Diagnostics JCV

    Controls and verification panel to monitor test procedures for the measurement of DNA for Human polyomavirus 2, commonly referred to as John Cunningham virus (JCV)

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    Exact Diagnostics VZV

    Controls and verification panel to monitor presence and establish points of reference for the measurement of Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) DNA