Droplet Digital PCR Technology is Powering Advancements in the Field of MRD
Learn why Bio-Rad is the digital PCR market leader through customer case studies.
Tumor Response to Therapy Research:
Neo-adjuvant therapy is often employed to shrink tumors prior to curative treatment efforts. Molecular responses to cancer therapy as measured by ctDNA indicates effect earlier than standard methods, widening the treatment window, allowing a physician to switch to a more effective drug in the case of poor or no response to initial therapy. ddPCR technology is an ultra-sensitive method that can detect molecular responses earlier and more precisely than other commonly adopted molecular technologies.
MRD Research:
Analyzing MRD levels is vital to both indicating achievement of a deep molecular response (remission) in response to oncological therapy as well as potential reoccurrence of cancer (relapse). MRD testing has become widely adopted for monitoring hematological malignancies and is now being implemented for solid tumor diseases. Because disease markers are often in very low abundance in the blood, especially for solid tumors, ddPCR technology is ideal to implement for MRD monitoring given its unmatched sensitivity, precision, and absolute quantitation capabilities.
Droplet Digital PCR Technology in the Field
ctDNA Analysis Powered by ddPCR™ Technology
Learn how ddPCR plays a critical role in lung cancer sample analysis at Biodesix
Gary Pestano, Ph.D
Chief Development Officer
Related Products
QX600 Droplet Digital PCR System
Advanced six-color multiplexing
ddPCR EGFR Exon 19 Deletions Screening Kit
Screen 15 deletions in a single well
The Power of ddPCR Analysis for Lung Cancer Research
Dr. Schuuring discusses how the high sensitivity and absolution quantification capabilities of ddPCR are advancing the field of ctDNA analysis
Ed. Schuuring, Ph.D.
Professor Molecular Pathology
University Medical Center Groningen
Related Products
ddPCR KRAS G12/G13 Screening Kit
Screen seven mutations in a single well
ddPCR BRAF V600 Screening Kit
Screen three mutations in a single well
Discover How ddPCR Powered Pioneering Analysis in Breast Cancer
Dr. Garcia-Murillas discusses his pioneering work in ctDNA analysis for breast cancer, the impact it has had on the field, and how ddPCR continues to power his research.
Isaac Garcia-Murillas, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
The Institute of Cancer Research
Related Products
ddPLEX ESR1 Mutation Detection Kit
Detect seven key variants in the ESR1 gene and their wild-type counterparts
ddPCR Multiplex Mutation Screening Kits
Select from a number of kits that provide analysis of common mutations across several cancer types
Expanding ctDNA Analysis Power with the QX600 Droplet Digital PCR System
Dr. Dobrovic and Dr. Wong, highlight the advantages of ddPCR for liquid biopsy analysis and how multiplexing with the QX600 ddPCR System has streamlined their efforts
Boris Wong, Ph.D.
Medical Scientist
University of Melbourne, Austin Health
Dr. Alexander Dobrovic
Head of Translational Genomics and Epigenomics
University of Melbourne, Austin Health
Related Products
QX Manager Software, Premium Edition
QX600 and QX200 System control and analysis software, with traceability for secure environments
Automated Droplet Generator
AutoDG Instrument for automated droplet generation of up to 96 samples
More about ddPCR in MRD
Concordance between Droplet Digital PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing in Measuring Allele Frequency for Genomic Reference Materials
Examine data concordance between ddPCR and NGS when analyzing reference materials with target allele frequencies between 0.1% - 10%. Download the white paper now!
Sensitive Molecular Detection for Solid Tumor Oncology
Learn more about the promise of ctDNA analysis for the field of oncology and how some experts are using it today. Download the white paper now!
Mutation Detection Multiplexing Using the QX600 Droplet Digital PCR System
Read our latest study demonstrating highly sensitive detection of mutations associated with non-small-cell lung cancer using a single 6-plex reaction. Download the white paper now!
ctDNA Analysis Across the Cancer Research Continuum
Discover how ctDNA analysis is transforming the clinical cancer research space. Download the eBook now!
DNA Methylation Detection Using Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)
In this white paper we review MSRE-based methylation detection and explain critical parameters for optimal assay design to achieve unprecedented sensitivity, linearity, and robustness when used with ddPCR. Download the white paper now!
Comparing Methods for Methylation Analysis
Explore the importance of methylation analysis and compare commonly used methodologies. Download the ebook today!
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Oncology/MRD/ctDNA Analysis:
- Raising the Bar in MRD Testing (thepathologist.com)
- Using ddPCR to Improve Cancer Detection | Bioradiations
- Inside Precision Medicine : October 2022 (mydigitalpublication.com)
- Ultrasensitive detection of MRD | Healthcare Dive
- The value of minimal residual disease testing (selectscience.net)
- Inside Precision Medicine : August 2022 (mydigitalpublication.com)
- How is molecular detection driving minimal residual disease testing? - Drug Discovery World (DDW) (ddw-online.com)
- When is it safe to discontinue TKI therapy in people with chronic myeloid leukemia? - MedCity News
- Maintaining Molecular Remission While Discontinuing TKIs (thepathologist.com)
- Cancer Treatment Monitoring: The Value of Minimal Residual Disease Testing | Today's Clinical Lab
- Get Ahead of Cancer with MRD Testing : October 2022 - MedicalLab Management Magazine (medlabmag.com)
- Exploring ctDNA as an Oncology Trial Endpoint | Bioradiations
- The value of Droplet Digital PCR in immuno-oncology (selectscience.net)
- QX600 ddPCR Brings Precision Care Research within Reach for More Cancers | Biocompare: The Buyer's Guide for Life Scientists
- Leveraging the Full Potential of Sensitive Circulating Tumor DNA Analyses | Inside Precision Medicine
- Monitoring Neo-Adjuvant Therapy Efficacy in Solid Tumors | Inside Precision Medicine
- Oncology Researchers: Are You Getting the Most From Your Digital PCR Data? | Technology Networks
- NGS and ddPCR technologies: The dual approach in oncology (drugdiscoverytrends.com)
- Ultrasensitive MRD Assays for Rapid Turn-Around Times | Today's Clinical Lab
- Digital PCR drives progress in early lung cancer diagnosis (selectscience.net)
Increasing Clinical Trial Efficiency
- Five Ways to Reduce Clinical Trial Costs from Bench to Bedside | Pharmaceutical Outsourcing - The Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Contract Services (pharmoutsourcing.com)
- Five Ways to Minimize Drug Development Costs (clinicalresearchnewsonline.com)
- Three Strategies To Minimize Clinical Development Costs | Technology Networks
Oncology-Focused Webinars
- Ultra-precise ctDNA rare variant analysis of plasma samples using highly multiplexed assays on the QX600 Droplet Digital PCR System (labx.com)
- The Landscape of Cancer Research 2023 Symposium | Technology Networks
- The Complicated Role of Microbes in Breast Cancer Prognosis
- Cancer Biomarker Detection in Plasma using ddPCR: Experiences from a Clinical Laboratory | Lab Manager
- Transforming Molecular Tools into Precision Oncology | The Scientist Magazine® (the-scientist.com)
- Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cancer
- Cancer Research Summit 2023