Use Salmonella Latex Test for confirmation after the detection and enumeration of all Salmonella spp. in products intended for human or animal consumption, or in environmental samples after detection by RAPID'Salmonella Medium or other selective media.
Other options for confirmation of Salmonella and serotype identification include iQ-Check Salmonella II Real-Time PCR Test, evaluation of cytochrome c oxidases, ONPG Test (β-galactosidase), and Bio-Rad’s extensive range of antisera to flagellar, somatic, and capsular antigens.
Related Products
- RAPID'Salmonella Agar Plates, 20 x 90 mm (3563961) and 120 x 90 mm (3563963)
- RAPID'Salmonella Agar, dehydrated (3564705)
- RAPID'Salmonella Capsules (3564710) and 10x concentrated (3564709)
- RAPID'Salmonella Supplement (3564712)
- RVS (Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya) Broth, 25 x 10 ml tubes (3555773) and dehydrated 500 g (3564324)
- Salmonella Confirm Latex (3556711), latex agglutination test
- Oxidase Test (3553834) and ONPG Test (β-galactosidase) (3553822)
- Salmonella Omni-O Antiserum (A–60) (3560781)
- iQ-Check Salmonella II PCR Detection Kit (3578123)