Genesis System

Genesis System

The Genesis System with Celselect Slides Technology, automates the capture of cells for recovery or on-slide immunolabeling.

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The Genesis System with Celselect Slides™ enable the capture of cells from liquid biopsies and other sample types.

The Celselect Slides utilizes 140,800 individual microchambers with a pore size that captures cells in the range of 8-30 µm (figure 1):

Illustration of the microfluidic chambers on the Celselect Slides
llustration of the microfluidic chambers on the Celselect Slides with a blood sample example showing capture of CTCs while smaller blood components (<8 µm) flow through.

In Figure 2, red blood cells and smaller white blood cells flow through the pores while cells larger than 8 µm are captured. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and CTC clusters for the majority of cancers types are captured by the Celselect Slides.

Genesis System Figure 2
Figure 2
Blood cell and CTC sizes relative to the Celselect Slides pore size.

After capture, the enriched cells can be recovered for downstream analysis such as single-cell genomics, digital PCR, or culture. Alternatively, cells can be immunolabeled on-slide for immunofluorescent applications such as enumeration.

For applications which require protocol optimization or creation of new protocols for custom reagents or antibody labeling, the Genesis Protocol Builder Software Tool enables adjustment of parameters such as reagent dispensing, pump pressures, and incubation settings. Building custom protocols is performed on your local computer.

Features and Benefits

  • Size-based cell capture from liquid biopsies and other sample types
  • Recover viable cells for downstream analysis or on-slide immunolabeling for enumeration
  • Genesis Protocol Builder Software Tool enables optimization for different samples types or antibody stains

Celselect Slides Enumeration/Immunolabeling Workflow

Sample is prepared with fixing reagent and loaded on to the instrument. 8-30 µm sized cells are captured and immunolabeled automatically in the Celselect Slides microchambers while smaller components flow through the slide to waste. The Celselect Slides is imaged on an automated microscope and files can be imported for reporting.

Celselect Enumeration Workflow
Add fixing reagent to sample and load sample on to the instrument. Sample and staining reagents are prepped according to predefined protocols
Genesis System automates capture and immunolabeling on Celselect Slides
Image Celselect Slides on an automated microscope
Import files from microscope to Rare Cell Analysis Software, confirm cells of interest, and generate report


Celselect Slide Enrichment Workflow

Sample is prepared with the dilution buffer and loaded on to the instrument. 8-30 µm sized cells are captured automatically in the Celselect Slides while smaller components (<8 µm) flow through the slide to waste.

Celselect Enrichment Workflow
Add dilution buffer to sample and load sample on to the instrument
Genesis System automates capture and recovery of cells
Cells can be characterized with methods such as sequencing (bulk or single-cell), digital PCR, FISH, flow cytometry, or cells cultured for further in vitro and in vivo analysis


Enriched cells are recovered in a single tube for downstream analysis, such as:

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Related Categories

  • Cell Capture and Recovery


Sample input
10 ml
Parallel Sample Processing
2 samples
Cell Capture Technology
Instrument open: 17.2” W x 23.0” D x 24” H
Instrument closed: 17.2” W x 23.0” D x 15.9” H
Open System
Flexibility to use alternative reagents, antibodies. Adjustable protocols parameters.



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DBG Celselect 2.0 Genesis

The Genesis Cell Isolation System is designed for automated selection and capture of 8µm-30µm cells by size. It includes an intuitive touch-screen interface, integrated reagent dispensing and slide temperature control.

Celselect 2.0 Genesis consumables enrichment kit

Kit sufficient for 4 samples, includes slides, reagents, and consumables for selection and capture/enrichment of cells.

Celselect 2.0 Genesis consumables indirect enumeration kit

Kit sufficient for 4 samples, includes slides, consumables and reagents to capture and prepare slides for immunostaining via labeled secondary antibodies (antibodies not included).

Celselect 2.0 Genesis consumables direct enumeration kit

Kit sufficient for 4 samples, includes slides, consumables and reagents to capture and prepare slides for immunostaining via labeled primary antibodies (antibodies not included).

Genesis Protocol Builder Software

The Genesis System Protocol Builder Software Tool comes on a USB with all necessary features to modify existing Genesis protocols as well as create new customized workflows.


Windows Rare Cell Analysis Software

Analysis Software enables users to create custom algorithms to identify and analyze images of cells isolated and labeled on Celselect Slides 


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