
Additional Reagents Required
To run this singleplex assay, you will also need a Reagent Kit III (171304090M) for magnetic separation, and 1 vial of Human Diabetes Standards (171D70001), which are not included.
The Bio-Plex Pro Human Diabetes PAI-1 Immunoassay is a 1 x 96-well singleplex set that contains a vial of coupled magnetic beads and a vial of detection bodies for the detection of PAI-1. Based on 6.5 µm magnetic beads, it is compatible with both vacuum and magnetic wash stations. Magnetic washing simplifies plate processing, provides increased throughput, and results in decreased variability and increased reproducibility.
Other Assay Formats Available
Custom assays (mixed at the bench): available as Bio-Plex Express Assays
For multiplexing capabilities with cytokine assays, refer to Bulletin 5975.
Instrument Compatibility
- Bio-Plex 200 or Luminex 200 System
- Bio-Plex 3D or Luminex FLEXMAP 3D System
- Bio-Plex Pro Wash Station