The fully automated VARIANT II Hemoglobin Testing System is designed for high volume, featuring positive specimen identification, LIS interface, and complete, ready-to-use test kits for precise, accurate results.
This multi-analyte system requires no sample preparation and very little hands-on time by the operator. The sampling station accepts bar-coded primary specimen tubes, reads the bar code, samples from the closed tube and dilutes and injects the specimen into the chromatographic station for analysis. Results are processed by Bio-Rad’s Clinical Data Management Software (CDM), which can interface with the laboratory information system (LIS) for real-time data transmission and superior data management. Bio-Rad provides complete assay kits for analysis of HbA1c and β-thalassemia on the VARIANT II analyzer.
Designed to the highest standards, the VARIANT II system is NGSP-certified, CE marked to meet the European IVD Directive, and anchored to the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT) reference study and the IFCC Reference Method.