QC Product Guide

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Find products: Welcome to our Quality Controls Product Guide. Follow this easy step-by-step product guide to find a Bio-Rad quality control product for you to evaluate in your laboratory QC workflow.

Expand selection: Apply the selection filters to explore additional options and find an expanded list of suitable products.

What QC product is right for you?


It is the responsibility of each laboratory to implement its own quality assurance program to determine the suitability of the product selected for its particular use and to establish guidelines for interpretation of results obtained with each product selected. It is recommended that each laboratory validate the use of each product lot with each specific assay system prior to its routine use in the laboratory.
Information about analyte stability, storage, and performance claims can be found in the product insert (Instructions for Use). Please visit My eInserts for insert value availability for Assayed Quality Control products.
For Infectious Disease product recommendations, please refer to the Serology QC Guide. For Hematology, Urine Toxicology, and EQAS product recommendations, contact your local Sales or Technical Support.