Use Sterile Distilled Water (EDS) for Microplates for dilutions of water samples for the detection and enumeration of E. coli and Enterococci, the most commonly used indicators of fecal contamination, when using MUD and MUG Microplates.
MUD and MUG Microplates provide streamlined, miniaturized testing for E. coli and Enterococci, without requiring growth in broth or on agar plates, in a wide range of water sources including those high in suspended matter.
Related Products
- Special Microplate Diluent (DSM contains synthetic sea salt), dehydrated (3553784) or with Bromophenol Blue, ready to use (3554282)
- MUD/SF Microplates for Enterococcus Testing, opaque (3553786) or transparent (3553783)
- MUG/EC Microplates for E. coli Testing, opaque (3553785) or transparent (3553782)
- Square Sterile Petri Dishes, 120 mm (3550304)
- Portable UV Observation Chamber without UV Lamp (3550717) and Wood's Lamp (3550718)
- Fluoplate™2 Software (3591790)
Related Categories
- Chromogenic Media
- Standard Media for Water Testing
- Water PCR Testing Kits
- XplOrer64™ System and CheckN'Safe™ Kits for Water Quality Testing
Supporting Documents
- MUG/MUD Kits for E. coli or Enterococci Quick Guide
- Water Safety Booklet — Guide for Products in Water Testing