Use moderate strength adhesive Optical Sealing Tape for assays that require a low fluorescent background.
- Use for challenging optical assays
- Easy removal of tape after reactions and assays
- Validated for real-time PCR on iCycler iQ and other systems, and melt-curve analysis on the LightScanner System
Where an optical film with a strong adhesive is required, use Microseal® 'B' Adhesive Seals (MSB1001).
Related Products
- Sealing Roller for sealing PCR Plates with films, seals, and foils (MSR0001)
- 96-Place Racks for PCR Tubes and Plates, with covers in assorted colors (TRC0501) and white, autoclavable, conforming to ANSI/SBS standards and suitable for robotic handling (TRC9601)
Related Categories
- PCR Seals
- PCR Plastic Consumables including plates, tubes, cap strips, and other accessories
- Real-Time PCR Detection Systems
- Thermal Cyclers for PCR
- PCR Reagents & qPCR Reagents
- PCR Analysis Software
- Firmware & Software Updates
- PrimePCR™ PCR Primers & Assays
Supporting Documents
- Amplification Reagents and Plastics Brochure
- 96-Place Racks for PCR Tubes and Plates, ANSI/SBS standard, autoclavable Product Information Sheet
- Reagent Comparison Guide for Real-Time PCR Brochure