ddPCR Assay Design Service Assays

ddPCR Assay Design Service Assays


Need assistance with ddPCR Assay Design for your specific application? Contact your Genomics Sales Specialist for more information about the ddPCR Assay Design Service. Availability may vary by region.

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Need assistance with ddPCR assay design for your specific application? Contact your Genomics Sales Specialist for more information about the ddPCR Assay Design Service. Availability may vary by region.

A Bio-Rad representative will work with you to design ddPCR Assay Design Service assays. ddPCR ADS assays can be obtained for a wide variety of assays (for example, translocations, mutation detection, multiplex mutation screening, etc.). An assay design may require a combination of multiple catalog numbers and unique Assay IDs. Information required to formulate an assay for a particular design request can be obtained from the assay information pages available at [bio-rad.com/digital-assays] Sequence information can be purchased if desired.

ddPCR ADS assays should be validated prior to use by the end user.

Packaging Options

Based on the design complexity and manufacturing requirements, Expert Design Assays are assigned to one of the catalog numbers listed below.

Catalog# Product Name Reaction Size
12008226 ddPCR ADS FAM Assay 1000
12008227 ddPCR ADS HEX Assay 1000
12008230 ddPCR ADS 450uM Primer 50ul
12008231 ddPCR ADS 125uM FAM Probe 50ul
12008232 ddPCR ADS 125uM HEX Probe 50ul
12008235 ddPCR ADS 375uM Dark Probe with 3' Iowa Black®FQ 50ul





Number Description Options
ddPCR Assay Design Service Assays