European Union External Reporting Sites


European Union External Reporting Sites

In addition to utilizing Bio-Rad’s Integrity Helpline to report suspected violations of Bio-Rad’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Bio-Rad policy, or the law, individuals in the European Union may report suspected violations of European law to one of the sites listed below:

Country Reporting Location(s)
European Agencies European Parliament
European Commission
European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
European Security and Markets Authority (ESMA)
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
European Ombudsman
Austria Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK)
Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
The Money Laundering Reporting Office (A-FIU)
Belgium National Ombudsman
Bulgaria Bulgarian Commission for Combating Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property National Ombudsman
Czech Republic Ministry of Justice National Ombudsman
Croatia National Ombudsman
Cyprus Ministry of Justice
Denmark Danish Medicines Agency
National Whistleblower
Police Intelligence Service (PET) in the Ministry of Justice
Defense Intelligence Service (FE) in the Ministry of Defense
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Danish Business Authority
Danish Working Environment Authority
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Estonia National Ombudsman
Finland Valtioneuvoston oikeuskansleri/Chancellor of Justice
France Défenseur des Droits
Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention
Agence française anticorruption - French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA)
Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF) - Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control
Autorité de la concurrence- Anticompetitive Authority
Autorité des marchés financiers - Financial Market Authority (AMF)
Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR))
Inspection générale de l'environnement et du développement durable (IGEDD) - Environment and Sustainable
CNIL - French data protection authority
Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (ANSSI) - National Agency for Information Systems Security
Direction générale des finances publiques (DGFIP) - Head of Public Finance
Direction générale du travail (DGT) - Labor
Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI)-Custom Authority

Further channel can be found in the Decree Appendix here.
Germany Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Bundesamt für Justiz

Each of the 16 states (Länder) may introduce additional reporting channels for reports concerning the respective local administration/authorities (Landesverwaltung/Kommunalverwaltung).
Greece National Transparency Authority
National Ombudsman
Hungary The commissioner for Fundamental Rights (CFR) - The Ombudsman
Ireland Protected Disclosures Commissioner
Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowing): List of prescribed persons
See also:
Italy Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione - ANAC)
Latvia Valsts Tiesibsarga birojs (human rights defender)
Lithuania Seimas Ombudsmen's Office
Luxembourg La Commission de surveillance du secteur financier (CSSF)
Le Commissariat aux assurances (CAA)
L’autorité de la concurrence
L’Inspection du travail et des mines
National Ombudsman
Malta Commissioner for Voluntary Organization (CVO) Permanent Commission Against Corruption Ombudsman
Commissioner of Revenue (CfR) Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA)

Whistleblowing Reporting Officer:
By telephone: +356 22924921
By e-mail:
Netherlands Huis voor Klokkenluiders
Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM)
Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP)
Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ)
De Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa)
De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.

A Report and/or request for an investigation may be done in the following ways:

Submit an inquiry online
By e-mail:
By telephone: 088 – 133 10 00
By post: House for Whistleblowers, PO Box 85860, 2508 CJ The Hague
Norway The Norwegian Data Protection Authority
Poland Polish Ombudsman
Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
Portugal The National Anti-Corruption Mechanism - Unidade Nacional de Combate à Corrupção (UNCC) Ministério Público
Romania Avocatul Poporului
Slovakia The Slovak Public Defender of Rights
Slovenia Varuh človekovih pravic RS
Spain Ministerio Fiscal
Autoridad Independiente de Protección del Informante, (A.A.I.)
Sweden Finish Inspection
Swedish Work Environment and Health Authority
United Kingdom UK Gov whistleblowing/who-to-tell-what-to-expect
Whistleblowing: list of prescribed people and bodies