Use Tergitol 7 (sodium 3,9-diethyltridecane-6-sulfonate) to inhibit the growth of gram-positive and spore-forming gram-negative bacteria, and to prevent swarming of Proteus spp. Tergitol 7 is a component of TTC Tergitol 7 Agar, which is used for selective enrichment of coliforms including E. coli.
Product Options
- Tergitol 7 (0.2%)/Supplement is also available in a 50 ml bottle (3562632)
Related Products
- TTC Tergitol 7 Agar, complete medium, 10 x 55 mm dishes (3563706), and 100 x 55 mm dishes (3563980); base medium, 6 x 200 ml bottles (3554687), and 500 g, dehydrated (3564454)
- TTC (0.05%)/Supplement, 50 ml bottle (3562652), and 5 ml vial (3562655)
- Kovacs Reagent (for Indole detection) (3555313)
- Tryptose Lauryl Sulfate Broth (3564774)
- BCP (Bromocresol Purple) Lactose Broth (3553414)
- BGBLB (Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth) (3578024)
- MUD and MUG Microplates
- RAPID'E.coli 2 Agar and RAPID'Enterococcus Agar (3554409) for Water Testing; high color-contrast agar methods for direct counts, with no confirmation steps
Related Categories
- Chromogenic Media
- Standard Media for Water Testing
- Fluorogenic Media for Water Testing
- XplOrer64™ System and CheckN'Safe™ Kits for real-time monitoring of recreation waters
Supporting Documents
- Water Safety Booklet — Guide for Products in Water Testing