Biological Systems & Processes

Frame the skill of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) around systems in the real world contexts of determining optimal panda fertility, disease outbreak, antigen detection, or antibody detection.

  Giant Panda Problem Kit for AP Biology
Giant Panda Problem Kit for AP Biology
ELISA Immuno Explorer Kit
ELISA Immuno Explorer Kit
In this inquiry based kit, students use enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in combination of endocrinology and immunology that scientists use to determine the right time frame for optimal fertility for the Giant Panda.
Take a skills-based approach to teaching ELISA. You pick how you want to teach — in the context of disease outbreak, antigen detection, or antibody detection.
Ideal For Teachers who want to model antigen-antibody relationships (or ELISA) in the context of conservation biology including hormonal control of fertility and pregnancy Teachers who want the flexibility to incorporate different story lines focusing on disease detection, epidemiology, and disease tracking
AP Alignment
Pedagogical Support
Class Sessions The flexible curriculum will fit within a broad range of available laboratory times One 45 minute class
Inquiry Type The flexible curriculum will fit with a broad range of available laboratory times Structured
Learning Focus Quantitative data collection, experimental design, and scientific explanation development Developing scientific explanation, observation, building foundational understanding

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